Arrival and Dismissal Information

Welcome Back!

Monroe Elementary teachers and staff are so excited to start the new school year! We wanted to share a little information before Monday about arrival and dismissal procedures and some new parking lot processes so families are ready for the first day of school. Thank you in advance for all of your hard work and cooperation.

At Monroe Elementary, our goal is to keep our students safe during the school day. This includes in our parking lot during drop off and pick up times. This summer, we’ve worked to identify ways to make these times more convenient for parents and secure for students. In order to have a better traffic flow, we will now be using the area by the front sidewalks as a drop off/pick up lane. This will allow our students to safely exit cars as they arrive at school. Please note that this will now be a no parking zone during drop off and pick up times. We know change can be confusing so we plan to have staff outside to help parents and students navigate this new process. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We appreciate your help as we keep our students safe!


  • Students can arrive at school at 7:40 am (9:10 on Mondays). We do not provide supervision for students before these times.
  • 2nd-5th grade students AND students who eat breakfast at school enter at the North/Main doors.
  • Preschool-1st grade students will go in through the preschool playground gate.
  • Parking spots along the sidewalks will now be No Parking between the hours of 7:30 am-8:30 am.
  • To drop off your student, pull up to the first available space, stop, then have your student exit through the doors closest to the sidewalk if possible. As soon as your student is out of the car, exit the parking lot.
  • If you would like to walk your student into the building, please park your car in our lot and walk them in. We understand that we have limited parking spaces. Our administrators and facilities staff are researching ways to increase parking at our building. However, in the meantime, we ask that you cooperate with our new drop off guidelines so we can keep our students safe.


  • All students who are being picked up or are walking home will exit the building at 3:15.
  • Preschool-2nd graders will exit through the south doors. Teachers will release students to whomever is picking them up. Please note: we will not let your student go into the parking lot unattend. You may park in the spaces along the sidewalk or park in a spot and walk up to get them.
  • 3rd-5th grades will exit through the North/Main doors.
  • Parents may wait in the spaces by the sidewalk prior to school letting out.
  • As soon as you pick up your student, please exit the space and leave the lot so other parents may pick up their students.
  • If you need to enter the school or talk with staff members or other parents, please find a space away from the sidewalk to park your car.
  • All students are expected to leave school grounds immediately after dismissal. This allows us to ensure all students have been picked up.  They may play on the playground again starting at 3:40.

Again, thank you for helping us start the school year off successfully! We look forward to having our students back at school this Monday!